Always wondered what is the secret in getting a lean body, to have abs (well I would say six packs but that depends on your genetics, some people have 8 packs some have 4 packs but we are all beautiful in our own way) and how you can fit through all those old trousers and jeans that you planning to throw away?

Well the secret is there is no secret…..the answer is definitely not doing 100 sit ups, 100 push ups and running 10 miles a day ( if you know this, then you are a weeb like me lol), not starving yourself and is definitely not some secret fat loss pills. Its very simple, it is what you put into your body everyday. The HACKS, if you want to call it, for a lean belly and if you answer its your diet then..ding..ding..ding….my friend you are an expert already.

Now, you probably wandering ah yes I know its my diet, so I have to eat clean, eat more vegetables, fruits, stop eating fast foods, stop all those late night cravings,no ice cream (man really??? no ice cream!! come on) and yea you probably right, well 50% anyways.

But what if I tell you, that it is ok to have those cravings, and indulge in them sometime, and you would say that’s crazy talk. No. The truth is, after dieting for many years (8 years to be exact) to get lean, let me ask you these, what is the point of getting ripped if you look like you going to pass out any second? What us the point if you have a lean belly but you look exhausted and can’t really pay attention? You see, after trying out so many diet plans to get a lean belly, I say that the traditional rules can work for some but not all.

Let me give you a free tip that you can put into test right away. OK. The tip is, try to replace whatever you drink on a daily basis with just plain water and try it for a week, and you can thank me later. The benefits are numerous, and its one of the easiest way you can get a lean belly in no time. No need to go on a crazy training routine, just try doing this one small thing.

Health, fitness and weight loss are complex issues and we’ve been fed a lot of myths over the years. If you’re looking to lose weight, have ever struggled with your weight, or are just sick and tired of paying for the next big fitness craze, diet or gizmo that never seems to work, then I’d like to invite you to learn more about the foods you eat and the way your body works. Stay Tuned.