
If you read books or articles about all the big millionaires of this century, they all have a similar mindset when it comes to what they do in their daily life. These habits if you like to call them, is what separates the 1% from the other 99%. So, here are the tips if you would like to implement them in your daily life, who knows you might be the next millionaire in the making:

  1. Millionaires READ, like a lot: If you ask Warren Buffet, the top investor in the world, what is the secret to become a millionaire, he would say, if you are willing to read 500 pages of reports and trade publications everyday then you can be a millionaire. Reading is powerful tool and whatever you read impacts your life in a certain way. My suggestion, pick and read topics like self help, motivation, business which may help to add new skills and develop you every time you finish reading.
  2. Millionaires WAKE UP early: Once, I participated in one of my company’s event and there was a video playing as an opening montage. It was a short video with a tag line you snooze you lose. Basically to summarize the video, its about a guy who always snoozes his alarm and in the end lost his career and failed in his personal life. Well that is just an extreme example but if you want to change you life, start by waking up early and prepare yourself for the challenges of the world. Benefits are, you will never be late for anything (unless if you wake up early then start browsing through insta or facebook well……which brings to my next point)
  3. Do not PROCRASTINATE!: The worst of habits you could have is procrastination. It hinders your potential growth like, tremendously. Always be a doer and always do something that will benefit you and also contribute to the society.
  4. WORKOUT!: Working out not only promotes to a healthy body but studies have also shown that it increases your brain functionality ( preventing diseases such as Alzheimer). Millionaires are people that always incorporate exercise in their daily life and now you have a reason to do so to.
  5. Be PASSIONATE: Always be passionate in whatever you are doing and never give up. When you are passionate, it becomes less of a chore and you will be eager to put in more work ( and it will never feel like work)

So, those are the tips I managed to extract based on reading articles, profile books and watching youtube videos about some of the biggest Millionaires and leaders of society, so whats next, that is up to you to decide whether to implement them or not. There are definitely many points I have not included here but these are the key points that you could start doing. So, give it a try and remember, always be a doer. CHEERS 🙂